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Measure *.stl Parts inside SolveSpace? (by MysticJaguar72)
Hi SolvSpacer,

I frequently import *.stl files for my assemblies, and it would be really helpful if I could directly measure specific parts of the imported STL file. Currently, I can only access the outer boundaries but nothing inside. Is there a way to "ungroup" the STL file to gain access to all the lines?

Please take a look at the attached files (png + slvs) for reference. I'm particularly interested in measuring the lines of the sensor in the middle or lenght of sensor.

Best Regards
Mon Jan 22 2024, 13:58:24, download attachment
(no subject) (by Paul)
You have not included the stl file in your zip file.

Linked STL files produce a triangle mesh in solvespace, and if it detects sharp edges it will create point entities at some vertices. It also creates an axis-aligned bounding box enclosing all the triangles. The created BBox and vertices are the only thing you have available for sketching.

One thing you can do is create a new sketch in workplane and extrude as difference to cut away part of the STL. This might give you access to some things inside.

An STL file contains no useful structure that we can work with. It is simply a collection of triangles that are individually defined - meaning they don't even explicitly share vertices. With no structure there is not much we can do.
Mon Jan 22 2024, 14:40:54
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