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Linking linkages (by Jay)
I am attempting to design a Velomobile. Ideally, I would like to work on the drive-train and steering separately at first, then combine them to check for interference through the full range of steering and pedal positions. I've also made a very rough model of a torso and leg joints to check proportions.

The trouble I'm having is when I Link/Assemble a preassembled linkage, it arrives as a solid part. Is there any way to make this work other than importing each simple component individually from scratch?
Thu Dec 14 2023, 10:25:11
(no subject) (by Andrew)
If you can live with a limited number of position checks, you can assemble everything the steering and drive change etc into an assembly model. and then move the steering and pedals to position to check for interference, in their models, and reopen the assembly model. You have to save the the models when you change their positions. Also you can keep those open while making checks., but you do have to close and open the assembly model.

ta a bit of a clunky approach, but viable especially if it is only a limited number of checks are needed to discover interference problems.

And alternative would to be to create a simplified model, using say a disc to fill the volume where the predict where the pedals rotate, using construction lines to denote lengths and joints etc. You could the hide all the solid models ans the sketches used to define them, and import the skeleton into models for the actual parts, where you deal with details of actual bearing etc. That way you have a simple model for checking interference that you can go back to, and the skeleton can give positions etc. details to the models, linked to the skeleton. Just save the skeleton with what you want visible when working on the final models.
Thu Dec 14 2023, 19:24:53
(no subject) (by Jay)
Right, I can work with that. I've been using a similar process to choose what construction lines to show in the imported models.

Rather than close and reopen the assembly model, you can use Regenerate All from the Edit menu after any changes.

"Import as Linkage" would be a nice feature. Or, considering this workaround, the ability to have multiple tabs without a new window would be nice.
Fri Dec 15 2023, 12:57:43
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