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trouble with Link/Assemble (by Jay)
Hello all, I'm having some trouble with linking a tubular shape into an assembly. I can open it on its own and it looks as it should, but if I try to Link/Assemble it, I just get a collection of normals and construction lines. I have tried this both on the Linux version where I made the file, and also on a Windows machine with the same result.
Thu Dec 7 2023, 18:24:12, download attachment Screenshot from 2023-12-07 19-02-35.png
(no subject) (by Jay)
Here is the file itself
Thu Dec 7 2023, 18:28:05, download attachment seat3.slvs
(no subject) (by Andrew)
I need both files to be able to look at what is happening, just enclose them in a zip file. First however, it is worth trying 'force NURBS surfaces to triangular mesh' .
Thu Dec 7 2023, 18:46:26
(no subject) (by Jay)
Thanks Andrew! Force NURBS solves it. I should have thought to try that, seeing as it seems to be the answer to so many things.

I was getting the issue even if I Link/Assembe-ed into a new file. Of course, it is now a non-issue.
Thu Dec 7 2023, 19:15:51
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