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How to slice an object apart (by Laurence Rochfort)
Hi all,

I have an object that I need to slice apart along an arbitrarily defined plane, which itself has no thickness. I would then end up with two objects.

Is there a way to do this in Solvespace?
Tue Dec 5 2023, 11:55:23
(no subject) (by Andrew)
One way to achieve your aim would be to import the object into a new file twice, and use a difference operations to create the two parts. You can use construction lines to define the cut plane in the initial model.
Tue Dec 5 2023, 13:38:40
(no subject) (by Laurence Rochfort)
Would you mind breaking down the steps for me, Andrew?
Tue Dec 5 2023, 13:47:42
(no subject) (by Andrew)
Attached is a simple example. Note if you want to place the cut shapes such as the cutting extrude overlaps the other part, you would need to create each split part in its own file, and combine them in another file.
Tue Dec 5 2023, 19:33:00, download attachment
(no subject) (by Paul)
If you do use a Difference to cut away part of an object, you can use the exact same group set to Intersection to show only the other part. This would be handy if you're makeing 2 STL files but don't need to keep around the separate 3d models.
Wed Dec 6 2023, 09:31:09
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