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Can I viewing sketch constraints while an extrude is active? (by Ben Winding)
Hi Solve-space,

I was wondering if it's possible to "see all constraints" at the same time? Or do I need to activate each layer, before I can edit the constraints? (see video)

Another small question, is it possible to view all constraints in a table? Like Inventor's "Parameters" table?

Love the software, genuinely impressed by the performance and UX

Kind regards,
Thu Nov 23 2023, 06:01:50, download attachment Kapture 2023-11-23 at 21.56.39.mp4
(no subject) (by ruevs)
- Only the constraints in the active group (layer) can be visible.
- You can see all constraints (and requests/entities) in any group in the property browser - just click the group. You can click further to explore the individual ones.
Thu Nov 23 2023, 07:29:13
(no subject) (by ruevs)
As you hover elements they are highlighted in the 3d view.
Thu Nov 23 2023, 07:31:47
(no subject) (by Andrew)
You can select a line in the active group and any other visible line and use the equal length.... constraint. this is the best approach when you want lines to be of the same length, as then you only need to change one value to resize all equal lines. Also if you want the numbers, you can use distance/diameter on a line or between entities, and it will give a reference distance when it can't actually set the distance.

There is a tutorial on constraints in the tutorials section.
Thu Nov 23 2023, 12:54:40
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