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Open File or Shift + I ? (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)
It is necessary to set File Open when creating the report for the first drawing and assemble (Shift+I) only for additional drawings to be added. Or can all assembly drawings, including the first one, be inserted using Shift+I ? Thanks for your answer.
Tue Aug 8 2023, 06:02:01
(no subject) (by Andrew)
If you open a file then any edits are saved into that file. If you use <shift><i>, then the changes are saved in the file you have open, including the link to the file, and do not modify the contents of the linked file.
Tue Aug 8 2023, 06:45:50
Open File or Shift + I ? (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)
I wrote a mistake in the text, but you understood what I mean.
Thanks for your answer.
Tue Aug 8 2023, 07:08:52
Open File or Shift + I ? (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)
I will clarify. I should have written correctly: When creating an assembly, is it necessary to enter: File/Open for the first drawing? Or upload all drawings (even the first drawing) using (Shift+I). But I was probably understood because the answer I got makes sense.
Tue Aug 8 2023, 08:21:36
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