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[Export/Import] Retouch parts in FreeCAD (by pinpox)

I really enjoy working in solvespace, but fillets and some other finishing touches are easier to do in freecad. So I thought I'll just build the model in solvespace, export it, import it in freecad and add the fillets and chamfers quickly as a last step.

Is this interoperability between solvespace and freecad supported and if so what is the workflow I should be using?

I tried exporting using "File->Export Surfaces" and while I can import that into FreeCAD I can't edit it like something I would have build in Freecad directly. Adding any fillets, even the simplest one possibles breaks the model.

How can I continue working on solvespace models inside FreeCAD, e.g. to add fillets?

Pretty new to this, let me know if I missed something obvious.
I've attached a model I'm working on and which I'm trying to add fillets to the slots in freecad after exporting/importing it.
Mon Mar 6 2023, 08:19:40, download attachment halter.slvs
(no subject) (by Andrew)
Have you tried using export wirefame, which outputs a .step file, which is also importable by Freecad?
Mon Mar 6 2023, 09:18:17
(no subject) (by appp4soft)
> How can I continue working on solvespace models inside FreeCAD, e.g. to add fillets?

I made a tutorial on this workflow:
Mon Jun 26 2023, 10:05:05
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