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Sketch in 3D tutorial (by Bill)
Pls refer to the enclosed image.

I want to cut off the volume defined by the white lines.
The volume is enclosed.

Created the sketch in 3D but i am stuck, have no idea how to actually cut it off.

It may not be the right way to go about this but anyway, I have no idea about the 'sketch in 3D' either ...

Nothing about that on

The reference says "This is the area that would be swept or extruded or lathed by a subsequent group. " Which makes no sense for I haven't got the faintest clue what the 'subsequent group' means. Do I need to create something? What?

Simply selecting extrude says "Activate a workplane" which, again, makes no sense. What workplain? Guess this just means it's not the way to do it.

So, I am stuck.

What's the right way to do this
is there a 'sketch in 3D' tute somewhere?

Many thanks.
Sat Oct 8 2022, 06:25:34, download attachment part-1-persp.png
(no subject) (by Eric Buijs)
In order to make a cut you first have to create a plane on the position where you want the cut to start. To do this select two lines and a point on this plane and then goto New Group and select Sketch in New Workplane (or simply press shift-W). The newly created workplane is selected. Now draw a rectangle that overlaps the surface that you want to cut. Next extrude the rectangle and select difference in the Property Browser on the top-right. Finally draw the rectangle with your mouse in the direction that you want. I've added a simple example to demonstrate this.
Sat Oct 8 2022, 12:20:07, download attachment cut_example.slvs
Thank you (by Bill)
Thank you Eric!
Sun Oct 9 2022, 04:31:45
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