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New Learning Guide (by Thomas Knight)

I've written a Learning Guide for SolveSpace. (I started taking notes on it, and just kept going.)

Not everyone likes trying to learn from tutorials--conceptual and top-down thinkers, for example. And they can be inefficient for a few reasons.

In my text, just the concepts are presented. So curiosity and usage drive development of tool understanding while reading, which helps cement learning.

Just a link to it here in the forum would get buried. Would you like to put a copy in with the tutorials? Or maybe just put a link on the tutorial page so people can get to it?

Here's a link so you can check it out:
Sat Nov 10 2018, 21:04:54
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Sorry for the delayed response, and nice work. I've added a link from the main tutorials page.
Sat Nov 24 2018, 06:57:17
(no subject) (by Thomas Knight)
Okay. Glad to hear you like it!
Sun Nov 25 2018, 18:18:57
(no subject) (by Andrew McIntyre)
Thomas - I have found your Learning Guide extremely useful but as one of the Old School I like to have the hard copy in my hand while I am looking at the screen. Accordingly I have type-set the LG and and saved it as a .pdf
If you're agreeable and can let me have your email address I would like to send a copy of the draft across to you to check and approve.
You could then perhaps offer it alongside your 'on-screen' version for anyone that wants it.
Tue Nov 12 2019, 10:33:42
Your doc is not clear (by jugu)
Hey, in your doc i've found something interesting but i'm unable to apply it :

To create a new workplane not parallel to any XYZ coordinate plane (based on an existing 3D object):

Select an origin point.

Select 2 non-parallel coplanar lines that can define the plane to be created.

Click New Group in New Workplane (Shift-W).

SolveSpace snaps the view to the new workplane.

How can i use this technique ? did you have any practical example ?
Wed Nov 27 2019, 14:14:58
(no subject) (by Andrew)
Adding the cylinder to the wedge in the attached example requires a sketch plane on the sloped face of the wedge. This was created by selecting the center point for the cylinder, and the bottom and a side edge of the wedge. The dovetail feature was added by using a line in 3d space, the mid point and the top edge to create the drawing plane. You can set an angle to a non intersecting line, as used to get the construction line normal to the sloped face.
Thu Nov 28 2019, 10:21:16, download attachment simple-wedge.slvs
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