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Scale object for difference extrude (embosser) (by Walter)
I would like to produce a paper embosser. For that I have two objects, the stamp (blue object) and the holder (red object), import them in a SolveSpace project and use the difference function to remove the stamp from the holder.

But how can I scale the stamp a little bit for the difference function? Scaling would be necessary that there is some space/gap for the sheet of paper.

Shrinking only will not solve it, because there will be also structures on the surface of the stamp which needs to be increased. For example when you have letter O as stamp, the outline circle needs to be shrink the inline circle needs to be increased. Like in my attached example pictures.

Can I create the scaled version with SolveSpace or do I need to create the both objects (stamp and embosser) separate with slightly different sizes?
Mon Nov 18 2024, 15:46:13, download attachment attachment stamp.png
(no subject) (by Daniel Engineering Solutions)

Doing a direct linear scaling (which is what all CAD software would do) will not shrink the inner diameter of the circle like you were asking about. It seems to me like you are wanting to do and off-set, which would grow the OD and shrink the ID. To accomplish that in one tool with SolveSpace what you could do is:

1) Create a file and name it "tool" or something like that
2) Link the stamp piece and scale it by a value smaller than 1 to get the smaller ID
3) Link the same piece again but scale it by a value greater than 1 to get the larger OD
4) Link the that "tool" part into the assembly you're trying to emboss

That should get you what you're looking for without having to fully redraw the part.
Tue Nov 19 2024, 15:05:25
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