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Direct editing of point coordinates (by Plop)

Is there a way to directly set the coordinates of a point (as displayed in the Property Browser under "POINT at") ? For instance, by directly typing in the corrdinates like one would do in a vector drawing program, or by placing two dimension objects like in many CAD tools - but without having to draw two construction lines.

For instance, on the provided screenshot I'd like to place this O-ring at 20,20.

Thanks !
Mon Nov 4 2024, 01:21:09, download attachment 2024-11-04 07_18_46-SolveSpace - (new sketch).png
(no subject) (by Plop)
For now the only workaround I've found consists of placing two points used as proxy, respectively vertically and horizontally constrainted to the origin - but that's already too many steps just to place an object IMHO.

Looking forward to your suggestions.
Mon Nov 4 2024, 01:26:32, download attachment 2024-11-04 07_24_41-SolveSpace - (new sketch).png
(no subject) (by Tom)
I don't think in a single constraint, but you don't need the construction lines or points. You can just constrain the distance to each coordinate plane, one constraint per element. You can also select the origin, the point to constrain, and one of the coordinate axes (the arrow things) and then choose distance, and you get distance projected along the axis.
Mon Nov 4 2024, 01:39:54
(no subject) (by Plop)
Hello and thank you for chiming in !

Excellent, the constraint to the (dashed) X and Y axis is what I was looking for. It does makes sense, I simply didn't think of mouse-hunting them since I was trying to find some way to refer to the origin point in one operation.

If the devs read this : it would be nice to have some way to generate such X and Y distance constraints in a single operation.
Mon Nov 4 2024, 02:22:12
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