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Help with designing my first part (by Ali)
Good evening,

Thank you for making SolveSpace! It makes for a fun complement to OpenSCAD. Only having gotten through some initial tutorials, I am continuing my learning by making some designs I already made with OpenSCAD.

First up is a support ribbon with a text on it that can be used as a desk decoration. The challenge comes in because the two legs of the ribbon have different thicknesses. Thus the curved part needs to both bend around while also increase thickness as it curves around. Bonus points if the arms can be kept tangent to the end points of the curved portion. See attached files for what I mean.

I gave it a shot and made something that is almost just what I want. See attached solvespace file. The issue is that the helix function let the curve go around and elevate. However, it elevated rather than just increase the thickness.

Please advise,

Sat Oct 12 2024, 21:48:51, download attachment
(no subject) (by Daniel Engineering Solutions)

I gave it a shot at modifying your design to match the .png files. Let me know if you have any questions!
Mon Oct 14 2024, 18:22:34, download attachment support-ribbon-text_modified.slvs
(no subject) (by Ali)
Good evening, Daniel,

Thanks for taking a look. I do have two questions.

1. Looking at the model, seems to me that I would make a new workplane on the bottom side, then trace the same path as above it, then extrude up to meet the old bottom. Did I understand that correctly?

2. There is a red colored plane just underneath the `Sample Text`. Not the dotted red from a selection, rather a solid red. I am not sure what that means and how to avoid it.


Tue Oct 15 2024, 22:29:58
(no subject) (by Daniel Engineering Solutions)
Hey Ali, I'm glad to help!

For your first question, yes that is the method I used. You may be able to accomplish the same thing by a different method, but it seemed to be the simplest way to me.

For your second question, do you mind sharing a screenshot? There shouldn't be any NURBS issues, but if you're seeing them you may need to check the "force NURBS to triangle mesh" box. which should fix the issue.
Wed Oct 16 2024, 10:35:38
(no subject) (by Ali)
Thanks for the help, David. I really should have thought of that technique, but the clue helped me.

I have attached a screenshot showing the red color. I made a left- and right-handed version of the model. I did have to check the `force NURBS to triangle mesh` box. I seem to need to check that box for everything I have made. It seems to happen when I make anything beyond a simple extrusion. Adjacent extrusions always trigger it. Are there any tips to reduce it happening?

I did have another question. I see that sometimes, the list of groups shows a triangle after the group name, see attached screenshot. What does the triangle symbol mean?

Thu Oct 17 2024, 19:55:37, download attachment
(no subject) (by ruevs)
The red you see is caused by the NURBS engine not being able to handle the complex intersections between the two overlapping layers of 3d extruded text. As a result the flat plane is missing and you see the inside of the model, which is intentionally drawn in red in order to make susch problems easy to spot. This is a known bug/limitation.
Some further reading:

The answer to your second question:
"Add a "∆" suffix to groups which have "force to triangle mesh" ticked"
Sun Oct 20 2024, 01:51:51
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