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Exporting 2d figure triangle meshes (by Andrew Baxter)
Hello, and like others I want to thank you for this awesome software!

I was experimenting with parametric graphic design using SolveSpace. I have a 2d figure (g002-sketch-in-plane) I want to export as a triangle mesh, but when I go to export triangle mesh it says "Active group mesh is empty; nothing to export."

Another thread said to export you need to be viewing the extrusion group. Extruding and then exporting works.

I can probably add some postprocessing to delete the extrusion, but is there a way to simply export the 2d figure as a mesh?

I might be able to export to some other 2d format (g code?) and use another tool to convert to a triangle mesh, although I'm not vary familiar with this space and I'm not sure if there are any packaged cli converters that would be easy to add to a pipeline.
Wed Jun 26 2024, 08:34:25
(no subject) (by ruevs)
It is not possible to export a flat 2d triangle mesh from SolveSpace - by its nature as a mechanical CAD it always tries to create triangle meshes that are closed (watertight) volumes.
Wed Jun 26 2024, 09:08:58
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