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View from the other side. (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)

I want to display the model in the #ZY workplane, not the #YZ plane. (From the other side) How do you do it? I always turn to the work plane #YZ !

Tue Feb 14 2023, 22:45:47
(no subject) (by Tom)
Drag the view to roughly what you want, and then choose "Nearest Ortho View" from the "View" menu.
Tue Feb 14 2023, 23:15:43
View from the other side. (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)
Thank you Tom, but this is another matter. I guess we didn't understand each other. 1. I will highlight the work plane #YZ. 2. In the Sketch menu I put In Workplane. 3. Click on the Align view to active workplane (W) icon. I always get a look from the same side. But what if I want to see the other side? Do I have to enter some sort of plus or minus? Or how can I influence it?
Wed Feb 15 2023, 00:03:32
(no subject) (by Tom)
The ZY plane and the YZ plane are both ortho views, so if you drag the view close to whichever of the two you want and then choose "Nearest Ortho View", then you'll get exactly that view. You don't need to use the workplanes at all to get the view you want, since there's a special tool just for ortho views.

I don't think there's a general way to align the view to the other side of a workplane. I guess you could create a new workplane facing the opposite direction and align to that.
Wed Feb 15 2023, 03:33:05
View from the other side. (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)
Well. It's not very clear to me, but thanks for the answer.
Wed Feb 15 2023, 04:10:27
(no subject) (by Tom)
Have you tried the "Nearest Ortho View" tool? It may be easier to experiment with than to explain.
Wed Feb 15 2023, 15:41:11
View from the other side. (by Jaroslav Kopal Czech republic)
I experimented almost all day. Based on what you write, I now have the impression that I don't need to use Sketch In Workplane or Anywhwre 3d at all. That surprised me.
Wed Feb 15 2023, 19:16:02
(no subject) (by Tom)
You still need to create new workplanes for sketching. You can get any orthographic or isometric view without using workplanes though.
Fri Feb 17 2023, 03:39:04
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