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amd64 - arm7l (resend) (by Joe)
I stored a slvs file on amd64 and wanted to open it in arm7l. It consistently fails.
Tue Feb 7 2023, 04:53:37
(no subject) (by Paul)
Are they the same version of solvespace? If not, does the sketch use a feature that isn't available in the older version? Also, was it done in a non-release version?
Tue Feb 7 2023, 21:39:18
(no subject) (by Joe)
mea culpa.
I did initially check the ubuntu package versions and they were identical except the architecture. Now being more throughout i saw the amd64 version that starts is from Snap and yes that one is newer.
Wed Feb 8 2023, 04:18:02
V3.0 vs V3.1 on raspi4, armhf (by Walter Cadek)
I made several designs successful on my raspi4 with SSv3.1.
For what ever reason, from one day to the other I could not start solvespace.
So after some trials, I decided to remove solvespace and insall it new.
By installation from snapstore I got error messages:
First missing "modemmanager",
(for what ever reason mm is necessary?)after installing mm I got
Second "not found UTF8- format.

After correction of that, the installation succeded, but it was SSv3.0.

Files created with SSv3.1 cannot be opened by SSv3.0.

So I removed solvespace v3.0, as also the repository of raspberry installs SSv3.0.

The only successful installation was with flatpak.

So my advice, if you don't want to compile from source (as I), use flatpak for installation.
Sun Feb 12 2023, 15:27:05
(no subject) (by Paul)
Sketches made in v3.1 should open in earlier versions unless they use features not present in the earlier version.
Tue Feb 14 2023, 08:29:30
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