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Order of Sketches (by Joe)
I admit to be not the most structured, that is why it frequently happens that I draw one part and another and later find, that it would be nicer if the order is different. E.g. G9-sketch-in-plane shall come before g06-sketch-in-plane.

Is it possible to reorder ? Or to copy paste ? Or to an idea to edit the slvs File ?
Tue Feb 7 2023, 04:10:32
(no subject) (by Andrew)
While you can copy and paste between sketch groups, a reorder, or deleting a sketch but constraint dependencies between groups mean that an actual reordering is not possible.

What you can do however, is start with a construction outline sketch, and use that to provide master dimensions. That sketch can be added to modified, and the changes will propagate to other sketches. That is also where sketch in 3d is useful, and elements of the sketch can be constrained against the bases axis and planes.
Tue Feb 7 2023, 05:47:39
(no subject) (by Joe)
I am sorry the idea with construction outline sketch I did not get. Is it that you have for each element in a seperate slvs file and another file, where you assemble them ?

Maybe I found something which comes close to what I wanted. In the attached file g009 the pin on top was created first. Then I realized that the part below the box should be more thin. Instead of trying to construct the group based after the pin in g009, I set g008-extrusion as active and did sketch in workplane. So g00b, the negative box was created after g009 and in the property browser it is in the order above the g009 pin.
I am not sure what it does to the lower workings of solvespace, but it seems to work.
Wed Feb 8 2023, 04:37:14, download attachment recreateotherorder.slvs
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