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Too mush circles for extrude? (by CodeName33)
Hello everyone, I'm trying to create PC back wall for 3d printing and I need perforation in this wall. So I'm trying to do it with many 3mm circles. Somtehing like this:

But, when circles count become more than 500 my wall paints in red and export errors appears. If I delete some circles in any place all stays good. I'm trying to split circles in different extrude groups but it doesn't helps. Is there some limit for objects count in SolveSpace?

P.S. I'm using lastest version.
Wed Feb 1 2023, 15:57:55, download attachment
(no subject) (by E A)
I am too new at this to be of much help, but if you look at EDIT>Configuration you have some selections regarding piecewise linear segments. One of them is set to export curves as piecewise linear segments.If there is a solution, it lies somewhere in those settings. I suspect that hardware resources would be the limiting factor in maximums for some if not all of the settings. That and computational speed. Some of these experts will have a better idea.

As a thought, though, I wonder if using hexagons rather than circles might at least get you further. Next to the tringle, it is the most efficient shape in nature (IMHO). Draw one, translate to three or five and set your spacing, then increase the number of translations. Then you can copy and paste.

But why not omit the holey grid and specify a material that is already punched. :)
Wed Feb 1 2023, 17:09:14
more thoughts (by E A)
You might make a small piece of perforations in a rectangular or hexagonal pattern as a separate file. Lint and translate that file to a larger than needed area, then cut it with an extrusion to be placed into your model.
Wed Feb 1 2023, 17:21:39
(no subject) (by Andrew)
I tried assembling from smaller parts, and it runs into the same problem. As far as I can see, this problem is at least in part a memory problem, A program using swap space slows down dramatically, and if no swap, stops because it is out of memory.
Wed Feb 1 2023, 19:49:20
(no subject) (by E A)

I may be mistaken, but I think that if you make one part, say a small tile and save it, then link one instance of it, then translate that piece many times, you simply have one set of geometry in the final assembled file--of course in addition to other things you constructed in the file.

Once again, I may well be incorrect due to lack of understanding of the inner workings of the programs engines.

Someone around here has an answer for you, though.

Good Luck!
Wed Feb 1 2023, 21:03:46
(no subject) (by CodeName33)
> As far as I can see, this problem is at least in part a memory problem, A program using swap space slows down dramatically, and if no swap, stops because it is out of memory.

I found that program uses about 250mb -300mb RAM and ~100mb video memory on my project. It's very low for memory limit.

Thanks for answers I'll try to find solutions to resolve this problem. For now I found workaround with putting check "force NURBS surfaces to triangle group" but it takes too much time. Exported model looks good but in SolveSpace it appears very strange (screen)
Thu Feb 2 2023, 02:26:02, download attachment screen.png
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