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how to combine tow groups of 2D drawing? (by eisneim)
so i need to create a gear with 5 holes inside, i use rotate step to create the gear and then create a new group, rotate 5 steps,

now i got the correct 2d drawing

but now the gear outline and 5 holes are in two different groups, i can't extrude anymore! how to merge two group of drawing into one?

Sat Jan 28 2023, 07:40:45, download attachment groups into one.png
(no subject) (by Andrew)
What you need to do is extrude the gear, and then create the holes by creating a new sketch, add the step rotation, and use a difference extrude to cut them through the gear.. Rotate and translate rotate or translate the whole sketch, and you do not want the gear outline to be repeated.
Sat Jan 28 2023, 08:36:13
(no subject) (by eisneim)
thank u! that works ok, but a bit slow, it would be really nice if we can merge down current group if the group is purely 2d sketch!
Sat Jan 28 2023, 10:19:03
(no subject) (by Andrew)
A sketch with holes in it can be extruded with the holes, so long as the holes are directly sketched. However rotate and translate apply to the whole sketch, and rotating the sketch of the gear about the its center creates overlapped copies of the gear, which is why the extrude fails.
Sat Jan 28 2023, 10:44:09
(no subject) (by Paul)
You could use a rotate group to create the gear, then make the 5 holes all in that sketch. Maybe by using construction lines of equal length to create a pentagon, and 5 more equal length to get the corners equal distance from the origin. Then put 5 non-construction circles at the vertexes, and extrude it all at once.

I'm not sure if this will really help performance that much, but it does avoid doing a boolean operation.
Sat Jan 28 2023, 11:08:16
(no subject) (by app4soft)
Here are two ways:

1) 1 sketch group / 1 rotate group / 1 extrude group / 0 boolean operation;

2) 2 sketch groups / 2 rotate groups / 2 extrude groups / 1 boolean operation.

In 1st case SLVS-file has a little bit smaller size, but requires manual positioning each of 5 holes (and thus there are more construction elements & constraints).

In 2nd case SLVS-file a little bit larger, and there are more groups in a tree, but this way there is no needs for positioning each of 5 holes.

In attachment there are both files:
Sat Jan 28 2023, 22:01:18, download attachment
(no subject) (by app4soft)
ADDITION (to my comment above):

If link/assemble 1st SLVS-file (smaller) in empty new model and move it with mouse (by grabbing origin) it has worse performance than if do the same with 2nd SLVS-file (bigger), which has better performance in this case.

NOTE: For this test I turned "Show edges of solid model" on "Property Browser" toolbar. If turn "Hide edges of solid model" performance almost the same.
Sat Jan 28 2023, 22:19:05
(no subject) (by ruevs)
Edges of solid model are perhaps the slowest part of the "SolveSpace engine", now that former bottlenecks are much faster. So it is not surprising that turning them off makes a model faster.
Sun Jan 29 2023, 02:46:16
(no subject) (by eisneim)
@app4soft thanks for your advice, using construction line to position 5 holes avoid second rotation operation.
Mon Jan 30 2023, 09:55:34
(no subject) (by app4soft)
> So it is not surprising that turning them off makes a model faster.

You missed a point here: if "Show edges of solid model", moving linked 1st SLVS-file is more laggy, than if do the same with 2nd SLVS-file.

If "Hide edges of solid model", there is no such visual lag difference.
Wed Feb 1 2023, 04:34:34
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