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Multi-level extrusions (by Dmitry)
I'm exploring Solve Space and I think it is awesome.

I have a simple sketch/workplane with two concentric circles. I want to extrude it two times. First extrusion with a thru-hole (shown on screenshot).

Second extrusion I wanted to be around outer circle (shown as construction line in green). But I could not achieve my goal.

1) It looks like the user cannot select which faces from sketch to extrude. The faces in a sketch are pre-determined.

2) I created a new sketch on top of the first extrusion. However I cannot reuse lines from the first sketch. So I have to repeat them again.

So I think #2 is the only way to achieve what I need. Is that correct?
Tue Apr 12 2022, 02:20:44, download attachment solvespace-question.jpg
(no subject) (by cmpxchg)
you can create a new workplane on top of the extruded base, using a point and two lines. On that workplane, you draw a new circle with larger radius. Then extrude the circle and select the difference operation. See attachment.

(You can also add constraints with worklines touching the radius referencing the previous group, but a circle-to-circle ratio is not directly supported, but radius-to-radius workline should work to workaround that).
Tue Apr 12 2022, 05:30:29, download attachment extrude.slvs
(no subject) (by Andrew)
Your second approach is the way to go. Constrain equal length/radius/angle, 'q', is you friend in those circumstance. Just draw different radius, or displaced to allow selection to apply the constraint.
Tue Apr 12 2022, 05:47:45
(no subject) (by Dmitry)
Thanks for your kind help!
Tue Apr 12 2022, 06:17:29
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