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Creating solids manually (using wires) (by Henré Botha)
Is it possible in SolveSpace to manually create a solid by drawing the wires that define its edges? This would give me a way to work around virtually every gripe I have with the software.
Fri Apr 1 2022, 06:03:29
(no subject) (by Paul)
No, but you're not the first to suggest this. Would the convex hull of a set of points/lines be good enough?
Fri Apr 1 2022, 12:52:15
(no subject) (by Andrew)
No, but by using construction lines in 3d, it could give you a framework to define sketches, for additive and subtractive solids to form the object.
Fri Apr 1 2022, 13:05:55
(no subject) (by Paul)
You can do that now. Switch to sketch in 3d, make your framework, then use it to define workplanes where you sketch and extrude using booleans.
Fri Apr 1 2022, 14:44:55
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
I'd considered that "wireframe to solid" feature before. You can probably do better than the convex hull, since a wireframe is often unambiguous even for concave regions (though not always of course). That might actually be easier to implement too, since you know all your edges.
Fri Apr 1 2022, 15:49:10
design folded enclosures from metal (by cmpxchg)
when designing folded enclosures from metal, it would great to have both a 3D shape, and one or more planes that these shapes can be reduced to.
Angle constraints in prior groups, could be made conditional in a final group to make this work, or some other way to use solvespace sourcefiles as part of a 'CAM' workflow, by feeding in open DOFs / paramters prior to rendering.
Sun Apr 3 2022, 04:56:49
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