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Extrusion not work (by Jaroslav Kopal)
What is the problem now that extrusion is not possible? What do DOF text colors mean? Specifically yellow? I'm attaching the .slvs file
Mon Mar 7 2022, 15:31:47, download attachment ExtrudeFailed.slvs
(no subject) (by Ektor)
the contours are not closed.

to see them, you must choose the option "hide all".
the red line appears.

then check the "show" box to be able to edit the sketch.
select the line, delete it.
and it's ok.
Mon Mar 7 2022, 16:20:18, download attachment ExtrudeFailed v2.slvs
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
What is the meaning of the text dof? The meaning of colors is not described anywhere ..
Mon Mar 7 2022, 17:04:08
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Ektor, thank you very much for your advice. SUPER. Shard into the mosaic again !
Mon Mar 7 2022, 17:16:26
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
just ... why does it write err in that text box? It doesn't write me there in v. 3.0?
Mon Mar 7 2022, 17:54:05
(no subject) (by Andrew)
V3 has added the err indicator/dof count to the group list in the properties window. It is useful for locating problems Degrees of freedom, dof, are the number of acis that a point can move parallel to. Show Underconstrained Points in the analyze menu will highlight points with degrees of freedom.
Mon Mar 7 2022, 20:11:07
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
I repeat that in version 3.0 (Ubuntu 18.04) err does not show me (let alone yellow) as Ektor sent it to me in his .jpg Not even the red message about not closing the drawing will show me .. The advice is definitely good, but it doesn't work . Why ?
Mon Mar 7 2022, 22:45:09
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
I see..! I had the "check sketch for closed contour" check turned off in the configuration section. It was still annoying when drawing ..
Mon Mar 7 2022, 23:07:04
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