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Can't extrude holes (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Good day everyone.

Can anyone explain to me why I can't extrude holes for 2.4mm screws in a project? I only managed a more complicated procedure. But not so simple! I'm attaching the .slvs file. Thanks for your answer
Tue Mar 1 2022, 05:54:09, download attachment Zamek_zakla_deska_H.slvs
(no subject) (by Andrew)
To get the taper you need to use the lathe operation. What you can do is create a separate file consisting of a screw blank, with the length of the nominal threaded part as long as the longest screw you might use. You can then import the part, and difference it from where you want the screw hole. One tip, place the top of the screw a small, like o.001, above the surface to avoid issues with exact surface matches.

Length only matters if you are making blind holes. Also, having created a screw model, you can copy the file and adjust dimension to produce different size screws.
Tue Mar 1 2022, 06:08:55
(no subject) (by Paul)
A new hole tool has been discussed here:

If you've got something to add to that discussion feel free to comment.

I'm still unsure about the idea of a hole group.
Tue Mar 1 2022, 07:42:46
(no subject) (by Ektor)
I'm redoing the project.
And there, it is possible to make the screw holes.
Tue Mar 1 2022, 13:13:58, download attachment Zamek_zakla_deska_H_v2.slvs
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Andrew I don't know what you're writing about. Don't worry about it. I have a solution. But it probably doesn't work that way.
Tue Mar 1 2022, 14:54:35, download attachment IMG_20220301_204403.jpg
(no subject) (by Andrew)
Here is a demo of what I meant, in
Tue Mar 1 2022, 18:36:39, download attachment
(no subject) (by Ektor)
here is an update of the piece with Andrew's proposal with the screw.
Wed Mar 2 2022, 03:05:13, download attachment
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Ektor, thank you very much. I was thinking about what you added to my project. Perpendicularity and rotation. He would like to comment on at least one sentence. I may figure it out on my own, but it will probably take me some time.
Wed Mar 2 2022, 05:14:48
[email protected] (by Ektor)
you would like help with the "assembly" part.
how to put the screw in the bracket? 

I could (with my little knowledge of solvespace) make you a video of the different steps. :)
Wed Mar 2 2022, 06:18:02
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Ektor - But I don't want screws in there. I want to have 2.4mm holes there to a depth of 10mm for 2.6mm screws.
Wed Mar 2 2022, 12:34:05
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
But I don't want screws in there. I want to have 2 holes 2.4mm to a depth of 10mm for 2.6mm screws. Why any complicated assemblies? File .svls here..
Wed Mar 2 2022, 12:51:33, download attachment MyWay.slvs
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
The same can be achieved without an assembled screw. See the file MyWay.slvs that I added here last time ..
Wed Mar 2 2022, 17:29:57
(no subject) (by Ektor)
I just understood the problem on your piece. (my English is so bad that I misunderstood).

I think your problem is related to your workplane.

I took a screenshot of the problem.

the workplane should be on the surface of your room

here is how to define a new worplane.
choose 2 edges (1 and 2 on the picture) and a point (3) which will be the center of the workplane.

then choose the function New group > sketch in new workplane (Shift+W).

now you can draw your circles and then extrude them

Here you go, I hope this is what you were looking for.
Thu Mar 3 2022, 11:36:47, download attachment MyWayV2.slvs
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Ektor - The examples with that screw (although it can only be done as a cylinder) that were presented to me here seem to me like shooting a mosquito from a cannon. I was expecting more professional advice. I also speak English poorly, but I use Google Translate.
Thu Mar 3 2022, 18:01:24
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
Ektor - I understand what you .jpg you want to say. Two coplanar lines that define the working plane. I tried, but it didn't work. I do not know why.. Wery thanks..
Thu Mar 3 2022, 19:42:33
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