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3d constraint not working (by Bruno W)
I'm trying to model a chassis with 2 steel profiles welded perpendicular. I've constrained the short profile to be attached at the end of the long one. Now I want to define the length of the long profile by constraining the distance between the center of the short profile and the other end of the long one. I've attached a zip with the two files of where I got, when I add the constraint it turns into a ref (currently with value 2465). When I uncheck reference, I get the error unsolveable constraints. I have no idea why this wouldn't be solveable. Any ideas?

Sat Feb 12 2022, 12:20:31, download attachment
(no subject) (by Andrew)
You have to set the length of the extrusion in its extrude group, i.e.G004-extrude. In Solvespace constraints apply to entities in the currently active group.

Looking at the model, the red where the two extrusions join can be eliminated by force NURBS surfaces to triangle mesh in the extrude group.
Sat Feb 12 2022, 15:44:53
(no subject) (by Bruno W)
Thank you for your anwser!

> You have to set the length of the extrusion in its extrude group, i.e.G004-extrude. In Solvespace constraints apply to entities in the currently active group.

Right, so basically what I want to do isn't supported? There is no way I can have the length of the long profile update automatically when the width of the short profile changes?

> Looking at the model, the red where the two extrusions join can be eliminated by force NURBS surfaces to triangle mesh in the extrude group.

Got it, thanks!
Sat Feb 12 2022, 17:15:28
(no subject) (by Andrew)
You could center the width of the second extrusion on the end of the first, and for tidiness, after the second extrude, add a sketch tied to the inside of that extrude, and do a difference extrude to clean up the model. You can get the length for the first profile from its far end to the surface of the second extrude, as a reference dimension.
Sat Feb 12 2022, 18:48:39
(no subject) (by Bruno W)
Right, that would work, albeit being a bit cumbersome. Thanks!
Sun Feb 13 2022, 06:39:51
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