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Assembly does not show all solid parts (by Sandro)
Please get a look to the file assemblato.slvs. Why only some of the parts are rendered as solid? What I'm doing wrong?
Thank you
Fri Feb 11 2022, 05:09:17, download attachment
(no subject) (by Andrew)
If you 'force NURBS surface to triangle mesh' on the first assembly you bring in, the solid models reappear.. I notice you have been playing with colors, and I wonder if that is the cause of the problem.
Fri Feb 11 2022, 10:11:41
(no subject) (by Paul)
I opened icosaedro.slvs and noticed that g009 was forced to triangle mesh. It did not seem to break anything to uncheck it, so I saved it unchecked. Then assemblto.slvs seems to work better when opened. I still needed to force mesh at pre-assemblato2.

That files has several linked copies of supportoL1L2 forced to mesh, and supportoL1L2 has one group "foro2" forced to mesh. I have not been able to uncheck that one and have it work in the parent assembly yet.

This looks like a bug in noticing weather a linked sketch was forced to mesh and propagating that up. Not sure if this is a regression.
Fri Feb 11 2022, 14:21:50
(no subject) (by Sandro)
Many thanks for the suggestions.
I managed to show all solid parts by:
1. Playing with NURBS forcing
2. Removing from pre-assemblato2 the workplane g00b
3. Removing from supportoL3 the workplane g010
The workplanes g00b and g010 prevent from showing solid parts of previous planes. Is this a normal behavior or a bug?
Sat Feb 12 2022, 03:57:53
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