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Trouble with normals (by Jaroslav Kopal)

I rarely find a normal where I need it (although I give a large magnification and I change the angle a lot. How do I make the normal point in the plane I need it in? Example: For example, for a long cylinder, all 3 normals are easy to available (especially when assembling so that I don't have to look for them anywhere.) Is there an example - a link? Thank you for your help.
Thu Feb 3 2022, 18:39:50
(no subject) (by Jaroslav Kopal)
I'm clarifying the question. Normals - I rarely have them when I assemble them into larger units where I would need them. I often refer them to those that are somewhere at the other end of the drawing, which delays. I guess I understood only part of their use. The one that passes through the axis of the war is clear to me, but for what and how to use the other two. The axis cross in the lower left corner mysteriously lights up, but it doesn't make much sense to me. Is there a link (text) to the detailed way of using normals? Thanks for your answer.
Sat Feb 5 2022, 18:48:41
(no subject) (by ruevs)
I still do not fully understand the question, but if you are assebling/linking one file into another, then the linked file only really needs one set of nornals (in fact only one notmal) since it can only rotate as a whole and normals in SolveSpace determine all three rotational degrees of freedom. By constraining two normals "same orientation" you fully lock the orientation in space of the two objects they belong to relative to each other.

The "location" of the normal (at which point it is drawn) does not matter much since normals do not "determine" translation.

The three normals at the origin are the same as the ones in the bottom left corner - just drawn a second time.
Sun Feb 6 2022, 04:20:17
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