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Support the project (by destinatorM)
first: I love the simplicity and the workflow with SolveSpace.

I only have a few questions:
Is this project still active? Last release was April 2021 and GitHub says only 4 devs? Ok last update 2hrs ago. But its only a question.

Than, how can I support the project? I can't code but maybe helping to translate the website/interface into german? :)
What I found is that donations are not requestet...

I wish you all the best
Thu Jan 20 2022, 11:47:24
(no subject) (by ruevs)

I'm glad you like it :-)

The project is active, but as you noticed with only a few active developers.

The 3.0 release back in April was after an almost 4.5 years of pause. But it was a pretty big update.

You can see the progress since then here:
And can download and try and "edge" (latest and greatest) build from here:
They (usually) are just as stable as the official release.

As for helping:

A German translation of the UI is already available. We do not have a "process" for translating the web site, but someone has translated it in French anyway;parent=4177&tt=1640081946

If you find bugs or interesting models that make (edge) SolveSpace slow open issues on GitHub or post them here.

Same for interesting ideas for improvement.

A good place to start is this:

Popularizing SolveSpace by telling people about it also helps - maybe some of them will like it and will be programmers interested to contribute :-)
Thu Jan 20 2022, 12:14:11
(no subject) (by destinatorM)
Okay! I will see what I can do for the project! :)

OT-question: Is in solvespace an function to hollow out a solid model integrated? And when not, maybe it is in the dev-pipeline?

OT-2: Solvespace doesn't have a Telegram-Group ? Maybe a good to communicate faster/easier with the community/devs?
Fri Jan 21 2022, 08:49:43
(no subject) (by ruevs)
Hollowing out is not implemented. In general it is not a well defined operation.

For convex objects you can do it by saving the file under a new name with just the solid you want enabled/visible. Then in the original file "Link / Assemble..." the copy with a scaling factor less than 1 and a boolean operation "difference". It will hollow itself out.

See my reply here;parent=4242&tt=1642764352 for the scaling factor field.
Sat Jan 22 2022, 08:26:45
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