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Changing solid model group build order? (by Peter Shaw)
I have two sketches, "a" and "b", I have extruded "b" into solid "B".
How can "a" now be extruded as difference to be subtracted from "B"?
Sun Nov 14 2021, 07:27:02
(no subject) (by Andrew)
You need to work in the order create solid, and then subtract with a later solids. the subtraction is from all existing solids. For your example you would need to create sketch b, extrude it into solid B, and then create sketch a and extrude it as a difference, where it is subtracted from all solids that overlap with it.
Sun Nov 14 2021, 12:13:10
(no subject) (by Peter Shaw)
Thanks Andrew!
So there's no way to move sketch "b" to after the extrusion "A"?
Can the .slvs file be modified manually to achieve that?
Sun Nov 14 2021, 12:19:02
(no subject) (by Andrew)
You could try cut and paste, cutting the whole sketch, deleting its group, and the creating a new group and pasting. This seems to work fine, so long as you delete the unwanted group before pasting.
Sun Nov 14 2021, 14:40:06
(no subject) (by Peter Shaw)
OK thanks.
Mon Nov 15 2021, 03:19:26
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