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Terrain surface (by Karstein Sørli)
How do you define the bottom of a cube to be a terrain with different elevations along that surface? I've tried to import a dxf file describing such a terrain, but with no luck.
Mon Oct 4 2021, 16:14:11
(no subject) (by Eric Buijs)
Other than importing an dxf file I can't think of a way to define a terrain in Solvespace. Perhaps you can simplify the dxf to make import possible.
Fri Oct 8 2021, 06:27:06
(no subject) (by app4soft)
> I've tried to import a dxf file describing such a terrain, but with no luck.

Guess, you tried to import DXF which include not only 2D, but 3D entities — unfortunately, SolveSpace does not support all features of DXF/DWG yet.

Karstein, may you provide a sample of such "DXF file describing a terrain" then I may take a look closer to this issue?

> How do you define the bottom of a cube to be a terrain with different elevations along that surface?

I'm not sure how it would look like (are there any sample image/illustration is expected result ?), but I may suggest that its possible to convert such "DXF file describing a terrain" into STL file and import it as mesh into SolveSpace v3.x (latest `edge` builds of SolveSpace has initial support on STL import).
Fri Oct 8 2021, 12:31:41
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