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New first group (by Mike D)
I've drawn a bunch of parts in separate files and assembled them. I'm new at this and made the mistake of manually copying some reference dimensions between the different parts. Now I realize I should've made a reference sketch w/ some dimensions in it that I could link into each part so I can change them all from one place.

I'm trying to go back and do that now but I need that reference sketch to be the first group in each part so I can constrain off of it in what's currently my first group. I can insert a linked part after the active group but the highest up the stack I can get it is #2 by selecting the first group as active. Is there a way to insert the linked sketch as the first group?
Thu Jul 29 2021, 14:13:49
(no subject) (by Mike D)
Probably not the best solution but in case anybody has the same issue - I add the reference part as the second group and save. Then I manually edit the .slvs and swap the "Order" between groups 1 & 2. When I open the file I get an error - maybe there's a checksum on that file somewhere? - but otherwise things seem to work.

Any better solutions appreciated!
Thu Jul 29 2021, 15:24:16
(no subject) (by ruevs)
You came to the right conclusion about the reference sketch!

It is critically important for complex projects assembled.from many linked parts.

Unfortunately there is no "normal" way to insert a new first group.

Maybe we should think about it.
Tue Aug 17 2021, 04:07:12
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