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question re: Tutorial 1 instructions (by ajoeiam)

running version 3.0~39c18a70

Progressing through the tutorial (excellent approach to constraints - - - kudos to whomever worked on that!!!) I stumbled when I got to the instructions (and suggestion) for extrusion. Extruding away from a center seems to me to be a very very valuable idea (thinking centroid of figure and some related concepts here) but I was unable to do such.

I could extrude to the left easily but was unable to do the 'drag' to the right.

Would someone be able to describe what point would be clicked upon and which click?

Thu Mar 25 2021, 07:45:32
(no subject) (by Andrew)
The drag can be carried through to the other side the sketch, switching the direction of the extrude, so just drag through the plane of the sketch being extruded.
Thu Mar 25 2021, 10:17:52
(no subject) (by Paul)
On the extrude group, check "two sided" in the text window.
Thu Mar 25 2021, 12:49:58
(no subject) (by ajoeiam)
Took a bit of hunting. Found the text xxx-extrude in the property browser and then when I left clicked on it I could see not only the one-sided or two-sided choices for extrude plane sketch and there are some other options that can be used (not worried about those 'today').

Thanks for the ideas guy!
Thu Mar 25 2021, 21:56:54
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