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rotation de l'extrusion et création d'un plan de dessin ex nihilo (by Frédéric)

je crée un cylindre
je veux créer un second cylindre avec un angle de 30° par rapport au 1er

si je fais le second et que j'essaye de contraindre les deux axes avec un angle, il considère que la base est liée au plan du dessin, et donc refuse de basculer selon la contrainte

en fait, c'est la définition d'un plan de dessin qui est très confuse dans vos tutoriels

comment s'y prend-t-on si on n'a pas deux axes et un point comme dans votre exemple?

Thu Feb 25 2021, 14:00:57
(no subject) (by Tom)
Select "Anywhere in 3d" from the "Sketch" menu, and then you should be able to draw construction lines for your axes freely.
Thu Feb 25 2021, 16:42:19
(no subject) (by Frédéric)
thanks for your answer. but how do you "constrain" your new drawing plan?
I mean, if you draw anywhere, you then need to give some directions for instance. And I do not understand that.
Fri Feb 26 2021, 12:09:15
(no subject) (by Frédéric)
and you can not draw an arc in the "anywhere drawing" function
Fri Feb 26 2021, 12:13:52
(no subject) (by Tom)
Yeah, you have to define a workplane if you want an arc/circle. For constraints, you can try parallel or angle constraints between the construction lines and the coordinate axes. For example, sketch the cylinder axis line and call that z', and then constrain it against the coordinate axes. Then sketch x' and constrain it perpendicular to z', and sketch y' and constrain it perpendicular to x' and z'. Create a new workplane group using x' and y', sketch the circle in that group, and extrude.
Sat Feb 27 2021, 15:48:24
2 cylindres (by CHRISTIAN FAUDAIS)
Bonjour Frederic

Trouves ci-joint une idée

a ta dispo
Fri Mar 5 2021, 15:14:47, download attachment 2
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