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Confused about multiple translations and/or extrusions. (by MarbleMunkey)
So, I have been unable to figure out how to make something that should be fairly simple work. I'm initially trying this with simple circles, but need to make them a more complex shape.

I'm trying to create a plate with 5 holes in it, in a cross formation like:


Doing this with 9 holes is simple, create a new step and repeat, then a new step and repeat from that one gets you

I've tried selecting the initial sketch and creating a second step and repeat group, which does wind up with the right set of lines, not not all in one group, so they can't be extruded together. If I go back, select each translation and create an extrusion from each, there is no way to get all the extrusions to be included in the final model.

I feel like there should be a way to make this work, but I can't figure it out.
Tue Jan 19 2021, 16:06:34
formatting broke (by MarbleMunkey)
The formatting on that didn't hold. The "cross" shape should look like a + not a T
Tue Jan 19 2021, 16:08:15
(no subject) (by Andrew)
I have played with creating the pattern you want, using step translate and step rotate. If there are overlapping sketch elements, due to for example a circle round the center of rotation, the result will not extrude. For you five hole pattern, draw an off center circle, and then step rotate it to create the 4 end circles, extrude that, and tin a new sketch, draw the center hole for extrusion.
Tue Jan 19 2021, 18:38:00
(no subject) (by Tom)
There's also the option to sketch your profile in a separate file, and then link, step, and extrude. Or you could sketch the profile in group 1, then step it in group 2, extrude in group 3, step it again in group 4 (by activating group 1 and then stepping), extrude in group 5, etc.
Tue Jan 19 2021, 19:08:50
(no subject) (by Paul)
Or step rotate one off-center circle, then add the center one to the resulting group and extrude them all.

Or draw 5 circles, but maybe that's a lot for the actual complex shape.
Tue Jan 19 2021, 19:14:59
(no subject) (by MarbleMunkey)
Okay, thank you all for the feedback. The easiest way is probably Andrew's, but I have a couple follow up questions from the other two responses:

Tom: If I follow your series of groups, how do you wind up with all your extrusions "active" at once? If you activate group 1 and step it, then extrude that new group, you can't have that group (5) and group 3 both at the same time. Or can you and I'm just missing something?

Paul: How do I "add the center one to the resulting group"? As far as I can tell there's no way to add an existing item to a group, just new items. Again, unless I'm missing something.

Wed Jan 20 2021, 14:17:03
(no subject) (by Paul)
You can draw another one. I suppose copy and paste, but I'm not a fan.

After a step rotating or translating operation (on a 2d sketch), you can add more sketch lines/curves to the resulting group and they will all extrude together.
Wed Jan 20 2021, 16:13:34
Order matters (by MarbleMunkey)
Okay, so I figured out the issue I'm having. I still don't understand why it works the way it does, but the order matters. Specifically having non-extrusion groups in between extrusion breaks it.


This fails:
g008-extrude (g004)
g005-translate (g004)
g006-rotate (g005)
g007-extrude (g006)

This works:
g008-translate (g004)
g009-rotate (g005)
g00a-extrude (g006)
g007-extrude (g004)

I've attached a zip file with example files.
Wed Jan 20 2021, 18:17:32, download attachment
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