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Paste transformed (by prs1)
I am trying to create a square measuring 100 x 100 mm, and a second square measuring 80 x 80, centered inside the first. When I select the original square's four sides, copy them, paste-tranform them, the Property Browser let's me scale (0.80) the pasted square, and specify a point about which the transformation should occur: (50,50,0) in my case. Unfortunately, the pasted 80x80 square ends up in the lower, left-hand corner of the first square, instead of its center. Why is that? Many thanks.
Sat Dec 12 2020, 08:37:15
(no subject) (by Paul)
I believe the "about point" in the text window is for rotation. "rotate about this point" You want to use the translation and move it 10,10.

Personally, I have never used copy/paste in SolveSpace. My approach would have been to draw two rectangles and use constraints to position them or set the relative edge lengths. Copy/Paste will simply create a new square that will be unconstrained anyway - meaning the size and position will be as specified but you will still be able to drag it around with the mouse to change its size and position.

Since this is a forum, do any regular SolveSpace users do much with the paste-transformed feature? How do you find it useful? And I guess, could it be better?
Sat Dec 12 2020, 13:39:29
(no subject) (by ruevs)
Use "Constrain | Length Ratio" and "Symmetric" (or follow Paul's advice). See attached.

Copy | Paste Transformed is for "weird situations".

Read and watch the and
Mon Dec 14 2020, 10:28:01, download attachment Squares100and80.slvs
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