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Points not all coplanar (by Dave)
I have a workplane that I have drawn 3 circles in. The next step used to be an extrude-difference but I have deleted that extrusion.

Some other fiddling has happened since I drew the circles.

Now if I draw a circle it draws it on the plane to which the 3 circles used to be extruded to instead of in the original workplane which is really weird as I can see the 3 circles with white borders in the original workplane - yes, I have the right workplane selected. I get the scary "Points not all coplanar error".

Any ideas how to fix this? It appears to be a bug, and I am going to have to delete the workplane and draw all my circles at once.

Thu Dec 10 2020, 13:21:14
(no subject) (by Paul)
Can you attach the file in case it's hard to reproduce the issue?
Thu Dec 10 2020, 14:00:27
(no subject) (by Dave)
Here you go.

Simply select g00e where you can see the existing circles present in the current workplane.

Now try and draw a new circle.

You will see it appear on a totally different plane - in fact it is the same plane that the following step is extruded to (the next step is a difference extrusion of the circles in g00e).
Fri Dec 11 2020, 10:37:59, download attachment
(no subject) (by Tom)
Did you try selecting the plane you want and choosing "In Workplane" from the "Sketch" menu? Then anything you sketch after that should be in that plane.
Fri Dec 11 2020, 18:52:37
(no subject) (by Dave)
Yes, I just tried that.

Before I even selected Sketch->In Workplane I could also see that the correct option was set. I clicked on "In Workplane" anyway.

Can you see the problem in the example files? I'm using a very recent build so I'm hoping it is easy to see. I'm certain this is a Solvespace bug.

Sat Dec 12 2020, 06:16:56
(no subject) (by Koen Schmeets)
The workplane is set to the "floor" of your drawing, the circles however are "somehow up in the air", the question is how they got there, perhaps you drew them in 3d mode or something?

Or was the plane correct and then it moved to the bottom somehow?

I cannot get it to work incorrectly with some testing, so it's really hard to figure out what happened here.

It would help to know how you created the last sketch plane? and how did you draw the circles on top of it?

Also, if you can re-create the problem yourself, please provide the steps for doing so.

To correct your drawing, remove the last extrude an sketch, and make sure to get a workplane started at the right "height".

Select 2 edges and a point on the top of an "X Support" and Create a a new Sketch in Workplane group. (see attached image)
Sat Dec 12 2020, 09:00:18, download attachment Screenshot 2020-12-12 at 14.59.44.png
(no subject) (by Paul)
This is a strange bug. I would also like to know how it happened. Hopefully this can be achieved by deleting and recreating the last two groups, but it sounds like there were some intermediate changes that led to this?

As can be seen in this image of only entities in g00e, the sketch plane normal is at the bottom, coincident with the top of the base (linked) extrusion. The circle entities are at the top. New circles are drawn in the workplane defined by that point/normal on the base.

Is the problem that the 3 circles were originally drawn on the base and extruded upward? Or were they drawn in a plane where they are now and the plane moved down? EDIT: after rereading it sounds like the workplane moved to the bottom of the g00f extrusion but the circles remained in the original position. Is that correct?

How and where did you originally define the workplane for g00e?
Sat Dec 12 2020, 12:59:39, download attachment issue.png
(no subject) (by Paul)
Another clue: The circles at the top were not drawn in a workplane (select one and look in the test window). I can mostly reproduce this by deleting the last two groups, creating a new sketch-in-workplane on the top surface of the base and then messing with sketch anywhere in 3D to draw circles where they are shown without being in that workplane. Given all that, I'm not really sure it is a bug until we know the steps to recreate it. Key questions are "did the workplane or the circles actually move when they should not have?" and "How was the last workplane defined?
Sat Dec 12 2020, 13:27:07
(no subject) (by Dave)
I'm sorry, I'm not sure how I got to the point in this file as I made many changes.

All I can tell you is that I never sketch in 3D. I always select a point then sketch in workplane.

I don't think this is worth any more of your time investigating since I cannot give you the details of how the problem came to be. Best regards.
Sat Dec 12 2020, 16:26:31
It is not a bug. (by ruevs)
The "three circles in g00e" are sketched in 3D (Sketch | Anywhere in 3d" or "3") then they were constrained with points coincident. This can easily be proven in this way.

- Select the top left circle.
- Click "c14f-pts-coincident" in the property browser.
- Hit "Del" to delete the constraint.
- Rotate the view, grab the circle center and start dragging - you can move it anywhere in 3d.

If they were "Sketch[ed] | In Workplane" ("2") it would not be possible to move them off the plane even after deleting their points coincident constraints.
Mon Dec 14 2020, 10:19:36, download attachment not_a_problem.png
(no subject) (by Dave)
Okay, I may have sketched them in 3D then. Surprising to me, but possible. Thanks for investigating.
Wed Dec 16 2020, 11:36:55
(no subject) (by Paul)
There are apparently times when solvespace will switch to anywhere in 3D without the user noticing. It's not common but I recall seeing it in one of the reported issues.
Wed Dec 16 2020, 12:51:48
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