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dimensions (by Andrea Romani)
I saw a video where the possibility of setting the dimensions as parameters is highlighted: for example a segment of length 40 defined as a and then in the other segments, if you set the dimension a they are equal. how do you do this?
Sat Nov 28 2020, 05:29:11
(no subject) (by Paul)
That video was an experiment and is not (yet) a part of any official solvespace release.

There are some details that need to be worked out before that can be included. For example, can a sketch use named parameters from a previous group? (I think they should) What about linked sketches? How should name conflicts be resolved? Some people want to be able to define parameter values in a separate file, can or should we do that?

The general idea is very good but there is probably a lot of work left to do. If the details are not worked out first and we just incorporate the demo it will likely break compatibility later when the other aspects are addressed.
Sat Nov 28 2020, 10:51:36
constrain equal length (by CHRISTIAN FAUDAIS)

example with equal length constrain
Sat Nov 28 2020, 12:42:40, download attachment equal-length.slvs
(no subject) (by Paul)
Christian, I believe the question was in regard to named parameters as demonstrated in this vido:

The code for that is not in any released version of solvespace.
Sat Nov 28 2020, 17:58:13
(no subject) (by CHRISTIAN FAUDAIS)
Paul, I have understood
I sent a graphic solution while waiting for a version with variables a, b, c

Sun Nov 29 2020, 07:21:37
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