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How do I increase the "resolution" of my STL file? (by Dave)
As title, I would like my STL file to have more triangles so I get a smoother 3D print. Is this possible?

As ever, thanks for keeping up the good work on this awesome tool!
Sat Jul 25 2020, 13:45:38
(no subject) (by Tom)
"Export chord tolerance" in the configuration screen
Sat Jul 25 2020, 15:38:42
(no subject) (by Dave)
Mon Jul 27 2020, 04:33:02
(no subject) (by Niclas)
Toms solution works for me for the visual represantation in Solvespace, at least after restarting Solvespace.

However,when exporting "Export triangle mesh" to get an .stl, the visual represantation seems to change back to default settings and also the exported .stl is in the (lower) default resolution

I am using version 3.0~bcb8cd3c and did not find a corresponding bug ticket on github.

Any ideas? Can anyone reproduce?
Sat Jan 30 2021, 05:42:56
(no subject) (by Paul)
The visual is affected by "chord tolerance (in percents)" option and should take effect immediately after changing the value.

Two settings down from that is "export chord tolerance (in mm)" which should affect your STL output but not the on-screen appearance. The one in percent also shows what the current equivalent is in mm if you want to make them the same.
Sat Jan 30 2021, 12:48:40
(no subject) (by Niclas)
Thanks for explaining Paul, works like a charm :).
Sat Jan 30 2021, 17:13:36
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