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Macros in Solvespace (by John Freking)
Is there a way to create macros in Solvespace? I have recently started to use Solvespace and as a first project I created a dodecahedron. Creating so many regular pentagons was very time consuming. I created an easy method to create any regular polygon so I though it would be great to create a macro to build them.
Wed Oct 5 2022, 03:01:17
(no subject) (by Eric Buijs)
AFAIK Solvespace doesn't have the possibility to create macros
Wed Oct 5 2022, 06:26:31
(no subject) (by John Freking)
Thank You Eric, I was worried there weren't macros because it wasn't listed in the features, but I thought I would ask.
Wed Oct 5 2022, 09:32:49
(no subject) (by Tom)
You might be able to use the "Link / Assemble" feature for that instead. You could create one pentagon in a first file, and then link it multiple times into a second file.
Wed Oct 5 2022, 12:44:57
(no subject) (by John Freking)
Tom thanks for your reply, While I was building my dodecahedron I found a way to speed up the creation of my pentagons and I realized it would work with any equal sided polygon so I thought it would be good to build a script which could build any polygon in the future.
I have already created the a wireframe dodecahedron, but I did have some issues extruding the pentagon shapes, I wasn't able to create a solid shape without errors or warnings so I will try your idea with an extruded pentagon.
Fri Oct 7 2022, 09:26:20
(no subject) (by Andrew)
Just an idea, but have you tried using the wire frame to create workplane so that you can cut away a cube to the final shape. (Hide solid model on the cube allows you to see the wire frame during construction.).
Fri Oct 7 2022, 11:45:51
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