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Visualizing link/assembling graph (by Martín)

Brief introduction to myself:
My name is Martín Dias from Argentina, and this is my first message to this forum. I started using SolveSpace a couple of months ago and love it.

Context of my question:
I started a hobby project that's splitted in several assembled files. When I come back after weeks, I don't remember how I connected (i.e. linked/assembled) the files.

Given a slvs file that has links to other slvs files... Do you know a way to see a graph with the linked files? (not only one level, but the "transitive closure" of links)

Fri Jun 11 2021, 06:07:15
(no subject) (by Paul)
This is an interesting question. Short answer, there is no way to see this in solvespace.

Each sketch file contains the shell or mesh for its final group, regardless of weather its defined in that file or many files. So when a file is linked into a sketch, its recorded in the sketch that something is linked, but all entities are treated as a single group and the single shell is combined as indicated for the link group (the final shell).

That's why if A links B and B links C, any updates to C won't appear in A until after you open B and save it again with the updated C.

If you write code, constructing the graph is a matter of opening the top level file and then recursively opening linked files. A python script could probably do this fairly easy and print the tree however you want.

One long sought improvement to solvespace is the ability to load multiple sketches as well as the entire hierarchy of an assembly. But that is a far future change and might never happen.
Sun Jun 13 2021, 16:37:28
(no subject) (by Martín)
Thanks Paul, your answer is clear, but I failed to understand the improvement in last paragraph.

I'll try to code something to help on this scenario, but my c++ experience is not large. I'll share it on this forum if I get to something. My first attempt to build the library (following the README for Mac) was an error:

Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES)

I could check on my Debian.
Thu Jun 24 2021, 12:28:45
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