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Contour is self-intersecting? (by Frederic)

I'm new to SolveSpace, and I don't understand this message, in this case:

in a very simple sketch, I create two rectangles, I select the upper-left point for one rectangle and the bottom-left point on the other, for instance, and type "O" (constraint point on point). Then I've got this message: contour is self-intersecting.

For me, that's not right, the contour isn't self intersecting, there is just a line-segment that is included in another.
For me this construction shouldn't have any problem to be extruded?

Do I understand clearly that in one sketch, I can construct graph with shapes if they have no coincident point ore one coincident point, but not one coincident line?
Sun Jan 17 2021, 05:44:36
(no subject) (by Andrew)
The solver does not like coincident or crossing lines in a sketch. You could use the line command, 's', to draw a "staircase'", that is an outline with no internal dividers, or have a very small gap like 0.001, between adjacent sides.
Sun Jan 17 2021, 07:19:31
(no subject) (by Paul)
Construction lines do not interfere with extrusions since they don't produce a surface.

For example, cut a rectangle in half by drawing a line down the middle. You can not extrude that. Each line needs to separate the inside from the outside of a contour. But if you select that middle line and press "g" for "toggle construction" (also on the toolbar) it will turn green. These lines do not produce a surface when you extrude, so they don't count toward identification of closed contours.

Overlapping lines is also bad. If you're too far along and don't want to go back, try using the splitting tool to break a line into sections at a point and delete the redundant parts.
Sun Jan 17 2021, 13:06:56
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